Tuesday, May 15, 2007

GALDESSA (18/09/2006 - 23/02/2007)

Galdessa was found in the generator room at Galdessa safari camp near the Galana river. The river had turned from a gentle stream to a raging river due to extensive rainfall that swept this small eight weeks old baby elephant away from his mother and the rest of the herd when they attempted to cross. Bruised and chafed from being smashed against the rocks on the bottom and sides of the river and almost drowned he was more dead than alive when he finally crawled ashore. He just managed to reach the generator room and stumbled inside to wait for death to come in the darkness.

When he was discovered he was transported to the nursery immediately, his condition was very fragile. The urine/saliva swab that was sent to Amsterdam immediately gave a shocking result: multiple organs were shutting down and that same day he was started on medication that very slowly started to build up his condition again.

But it was not enough, a combination of recurring bouts of diarrhea, (for which he was given antibiotic cures 4 times!!) a severe depression that took away his will to live and probably internal injuries resulted in the death of little Galdessa after an internal bleeding in the arms of his favorite keeper in the early morning of February 23rd 2007.

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